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Tag: child birth education


It’s 2017…well almost 2018 and it still baffles me when hear about a birth that went completely sideways! A woman or birthing person makes her way to the hospital and thinking her birth will be good and “winging it” is the best way to go about a major life event. Most people spend more time researching a new car they are about buy than planning for the birth of their child. Most of us have many many cars throughout our life time but maybe give birth one or two times (or like me four times). If you ask your grandmother about her births she will most likely recall lots of details but if you ask her what car she drove in 1971 she may not remember much about it. So if somebody decides to just “go with the flow” and then end up with a birth that wasn’t what they were expecting one should wonder why this actually happened. Birthing people should take some responsibility and  spend some time planning for this event.


Where should you look?

So there is no other time then now to get your research on. See what is available locally! Here in Monterey we have several good options – some are even fantastic – just find your match. I personally think that any education is better than none at all.

If you are looking for a class locally check out The Birth Network of Monterey County. Here you will find lots of different options from  in person group classes to some educators that will meet with you in the privacy of your own home. Hello flexibility! No reason to not sign up. Mum’s the Word teaches Lamaze Child birth education, Michele teaches one day workshops or also a series of classes. I personally prefer a series since I learn better that way, and I also like connecting with other people. BUT I have also studied the night before an exam and tried to get in all in one day! So for people that can’t commit to a couple weeks you have the option to spend only a day or a weekend learning as much as you can. Lastly LAiMA OBGYN and I have teamed up to offer free classes to their patients only. Whatever is best for you and your birth – you can find an option that suits you best – after all it’s your birth not mine.

NO excuses!

Then let’s say you are that person that spends their time driving around all day and once you are home after a long day it’s hard to get back out. Or you are moving (military spouses know this all to well) while you are pregnant. You start off in a area you know and then BOOM you get those orders and everything stops until you get to the new study station. Well there is a solution for you too: ONLINE child birth education classes. Who would have known…yup – check out Mama Natural a comprehensive child birth education course for people on the go! And another fabulous way to rock your birth is signing up with Rock Star Birth Magazine where you can read and listen. Watch videos with Shalome Stone and her fabulous Australian accent (I think it’s totally sexy).


“But I have no money…it’s too expesive!”

No it’s NOT. Yes, dropping $300 (average price) on a class may sound a lot, but let’s really talk about those Dollars. Most of us find out that we are pregnant around the 5-6 weeks mark. You should really have a plan in place by 36 weeks – how is this day suppose to plan out? What will help you go through labor, what is labor etc etc? This leaves you with 30 weeks – 210 days to come up with $300. A little more than a dollar a day or $10 a week. Trust me for the next 18+ years you will spend much much more each week trying to keep this little human you made alive and thriving. You can even ask your family and friends to start a fund for you. It is possible. (Trying to convince a toddler to eat that vegetable maybe not)

But all jokes aside. Please try to look for something that suites you and your partner. You shouldn’t need to find out with your third baby that eating and drinking is actually “allowed”! And that “once a cesarean” doesn’t mean “always a cesarean”…

Finally I am always happy to meet with anybody that is looking to find out more, where to even start and what might be the best plan of action. If you want to sit down for a private birth consulting session with me contact me here!